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Hello All!!!! Want to lose weight? Are you not able to see results in spite of getting sufficient sleep, eating clean and working out religiously? It may be due to a reason out of your control, a...

Victor 20 Wp Diet

Thursday, 01-Jul-21 19:29:31 UTC

The long term results of repeated dieting are a slower metabolism, less muscle tissue and a higher percentage of body fat than when you started. You often weigh more, too. Hence, the term 'dieting makes you fat. ' So How Can You Reverse the Effects of Yo-yo Dieting…? Forget crash dieting or any thoughts of rapid weight loss. The safe rate at which you can lose weight is 1-2lbs a week. That doesn't sound a lot but equates to 52-104lbs a year! Any more than that and you're losing muscle tissue. Think about it this way. There are 3, 500 calories in a pound of fat. To lose 1lb a week you need to eat 500 calories less each day, or burn 500 calories more than you eat through exercise or being more physically active day to day. For a woman who requires 2, 000 calories a day, that would mean eating 1, 500 calories a day to lose a pound a week. Ignore diets that claim you'll lose more than that. There's one diet that promises 18lbs of weight loss in four days – nonsense! To lose 18lbs of body fat you'd need to burn 63, 000 calories of body fat in four days, or 15, 750 calories a day.

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Day-3 Breakfast: 1 egg, ½ banana, 1 piece of toast and a cup of black tea or coffee with 1-2 sachets of sugar-free. Lunch: 1 cup tuna or cottage cheese and 8 regular saltine crackers Dinner: 2 beef flanks, 1 cup cabbage or broccoli, ½ banana, ½ cup carrots, and ½ cup regular vanilla ice-cream. [ Read: Paleo Diet Benefits] Potential Downsides of a Tuna Diet A tuna diet undoubtedly causes rapid initial weight loss; however, it is quite unsustainable, just like other forms of crash diets. Since it severely restricts calories, it can adversely affect your health. Also, such low amounts of calorie consumption may reduce the metabolism rate and even destroy muscle mass. Studies indicate that such severe calorie restriction initiates and triggers acute hunger, which leads to weight gain over time. Also, when you regularly end up eating much less than what your body requires and craves for, slowly and steadily, your body starts burning fewer calories when at rest. As a final result, such restricted and unsustainable diet plans impair body composition and lead to causing more harm than good.

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